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Manic Depression Symptoms

imageA manic episode is an unusually high mood, angry and active. It can last for at least a few days and be present almost all the time.

Some people with manic episodes suffer from psychotic symptoms, like hallucinations. If this occurs the person may need hospitalisation for treatment.

1. Feelings of euphoria

During a manic phase you might be excessively excited or exuberant. You may also experience excessive energy, restlessness, or agitation. Other symptoms of mania include an exaggerated sense of optimism and racing thoughts, a decreased need to rest, speaking fast and changing topics rapidly when talking. Distractibility and inability of concentration are also common.

Patients with bipolar disorder typically experience periods of depression and mania. This is referred to as a mixed episode, and it is a risk.

Most episodes of mania can be treated by taking medications. Antipsychotics, mood stabilizers, and antidepressants all work to control your symptoms. You may need to try various medications before you find one that works for you. Some people have to use their medication for the rest of their lives.

Getting treatment for manic depression is the best way to avoid risky episodes. Talk therapy (psychotherapy) can help you spot early warning signs and symptoms of major depression and manage your depression better. Psychotherapy techniques include insight-oriented psychotherapy and cognitive behavioral therapy.

Some people use drugs or alcohol during a manic episode, and this could make their symptoms worse. Drug abuse can also impact the effectiveness of certain medications that treat depression and mania.

It is essential to seek assistance as soon as you can in case you're experiencing a manic episode. Contact a mental healthcare professional or go to an emergency room. It is also important to let your family and friends know what is going on to be aware of any changes. They can also be helpful in providing support in the midst of a manic episode, by encouraging you to remain safe and taking care of essential needs.

2. Feelings of despair

Everyone has ups and downs in their mood. Bipolar disorder sufferers experience more extreme mood swings than other people. They suffer from highs (mania or hypomania) and lows (depression). The changes in their mood can affect energy, sleep levels, activity levels and judgement. These episodes can last for up to a week. They may also occur several times throughout the year.

Manic episodes are an unusually high, happy, or angry mood that is accompanied by excessive activity. It has to be a dramatic change from the person's normal mood and so apparent to friends and family that it's noticed. It may include over-the-top behavior, like spending sprees or reckless driving. When a manic episode is severe, it's common for someone to experience psychotic symptoms like delusions or hallucinations. It is important that people with bipolar disorder seek medical attention if they have any signs of emotional distress of depression or mania. The fear of stigma could prevent them from seeking treatment however a combination of medication and talk therapy can help reduce the severity and frequency of these episodes.

Bipolar disorder can result in periods without symptoms. However, the most prevalent type, bipolar I disorder, is characterized by having at least one manic episode and the occurrence of major depression. Bipolar II disorder is defined by periods of hypomania but without a manic episode. Cyclothymic disorders, formerly known as manic-depressive disorders, are a kind of bipolar disorder where the patient experiences a variety of episodes of hypomania, but does not experience a manic episode.

Bipolar disorders can be caused by a variety of factors including stress, genetics, and environmental pressures. They can be caused by certain substances like alcohol or drugs. They can also be caused by certain illnesses and injuries, like Cushing's disease or stroke.

3. Feelings of guilt

When you experience a manic episode often feel guilty. During the manic phase you may feel that you did something wrong even if the act isn't illegal or inappropriate. This is one of the reasons it's crucial to openly talk with your family and friends about the condition. They can help you spot early physical signs of being depressed that you're beginning to slide into mania and act as a buffer for you when the mood turns.

In a manic phase, you could also be irritable and irrational, with the pressure of your speech and conversations, fast responses and slower reaction times. There are also hallucinations or delusional thoughts. This is why it's important to let your doctor know about any unusual thoughts that you have during an episode of manic. They will need to be assessed with the assistance types of depression a therapist.

You can get an antipsychotic prescription, such as the haldol (Haldol), Clozapine (Clozaril) or loxapine (Loxodone) for treating severe manic episodes. Other medications, such as cariprazine(Vraylar),aripiprazole(Abilify) and lurasidone(Latuda) are effective in controlling manic episodes and reducing the chance of it recurring.

imageA person suffering from bipolar disorder suffers from extreme mood swings ranging from emotional warning signs of depression highs, called hypomania or mania, as well as lows, referred to as depression. These extremes can affect your sleep, energy, ability to concentrate, and quality of life. Other symptoms can include changes in appetite or a feeling of inadequacy.

4. Feelings of devalued

Many people with manic depressive disorder feel worthless and do not believe they are worthy of their existence. This feeling can be particularly acute during manic episodes, which may involve inflated self-esteem, reckless or impulsive behavior, and a rise in activity levels. People who suffer from more severe manic episodes can have unorganized thinking, false beliefs and/or hallucinations, which are also known as psychotic symptoms. In these situations it is essential to admit the person to a hospital to ensure their security.

The treatment of psychiatric disorders is a great method to control and stop mood swings. Antidepressants, mood stabilisers and antipsychotics are a few drugs that can be prescribed to reduce and control depression or mania. Talk therapy is crucial and a combination approach is often the most efficient. Psychotherapy techniques that have been tested and proven to be effective include cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) as well as inter-personal and social rhythm therapy and family therapy. Support groups that provide information and sharing of experiences can also prove beneficial. Electroconvulsive therapy, which involves brief periods of electric current that is applied to the brain, is used in extreme instances of depression or mania (if bipolar) that don't respond to other medications or talk therapies.

Scientists aren't sure what causes bipolar disorders, but they do know that certain things can cause the disorder. This includes rapid changes in activity levels or energy and sleep disturbances, as well as drugs, as well as certain illnesses and injuries. Some people are afraid of stigma and are reluctant to inform their doctors about depression or mania. However, early depression symptoms diagnosis and treatment can prevent more serious episodes.

5. Feelings of worthlessness

Bipolar disorder, once called manic depression, is a mood disorder that causes extreme highs and lows in your mood. You may feel extremely joyful, exuberant or exuberant (manic symptoms) while other times you might feel despairing, depressed and sad (depressive episodes). Sometimes, people experience both manic and depressive symptoms at the at the same time, a condition known as an episode that has mixed characteristics.

During manic episodes, you might have trouble with thinking clearly and may behave more in a reckless or impulsive manner than usual.
by (120 points)

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